This is my friend Darlington. I have to admit that the first time I met Darlington I didn't give him the time and credit he deserved. I am thankful and blessed that he gave me another chance. During my first visit to Sierra Leone I remember this young teenage boy coming up to me wanting me to video tape a message to show people back home. He was asking for help with his school fees. Talking about how his father died long ago and his mother couldn't care for him. Now this is a story we hear often and it is not always true. The other thing was- this kid had NICE clothes and NICE shoes. I had so many people asking for things and for some reason on that day I didn't really listen. So many kids came in and out of JCCM while we were here- some the staff and kids here didn't even know. Coming back last time- I ran into Darlington again. Turns out he lives on the JCCM road and is friends with many of the kids at the home. He did ask me if I remembered him and from then on we talked about many different things- especially music (they all want to know if I KNOW people- Akon, Usher, Jackson,- like are they my close friends- hard to explain we don't really see these people). He came to the home often and would help out with different projects. Whenever I met Darlington on the road he would offer to carry whatever I was carrying all the way to my room- even when it was a good distance past where he was going. It took a long time before he asked me for school fees and when he did I was wondering this time why I didn't offer them to him sooner. Last year that was my Christmas gift to my parents and grandmas- paying for a child's school fees here. Grandma Syvilla was Darlington. She took the card I wrote on him- placed in by her microwave and prayed for Darlington all the time. She continues to pray for him and send school support and the way that he appreciates it brings me such joy. The two of them have really developed a special relationship in a way we should all hope to have. They are encourage and inspired by each other. They each think they are getting something more from the other- truly placing the other first. I am learning a lot from these two people. Darlington lives with his mother in a mud house that is FAR from finished. It is all open except for one room that has a door and wood to cover the window. Often Darlington is found sleeping at a neighbors house and going where ever he can to find enough light to study. Sometimes when I am out for my walk I will stop in to say hello. Darlington and his mom will always offer me something to eat- even when they hardly have anything. Often it will be just rice as there is no money to buy even just oil to put on it let alone everything it would take to make a sauce. A few times it is just cassava boiled as they don't have any rice. No matter what they always want me to eat with them. Anytime something is harvested from their garden- they share with me. When my hut flooded Darlington was there before school to do whatever he could and even coming back afterwards. They have sent gifts for grandma Syvilla and even made some material for both Amy and Meghan when they were here. I love that they are willing to give- sometimes it is hard for me to accept their gifts, but I realize it is something they need to do- for me and themselves. The more I see others just taking and taking- I am honored to have a relationship with these two people who are willing to give even when they have so little to give. It shows that we can all find something.Below is where they store their water. During the rainy season there entire supply of water comes from rain water they keep in this container that Darlington made himself. I was in awe and kinda wanted one for myself- more for decoration than storing water but...Darlington is also a member of the BO area Student Advocacy group. He is heavily involved. I have been able to attend some of their events and meetings. I am impressed with these kids. They feel they are the ones who can make a difference for Sierra Leone and they are willing to spend their time doing it. There are kids of all ages- they put on plays (which they write themselves) to educate others. They do service projects. They try to put on events that are healthy and safe for kids. They are people who are deserve a lot of credit and encouragement.
Sierra Leone is FAR from perfect and at times it can be a bit overwhelming with all the corruption and dependency. All these hands out- wanting a free ride. Then you see what people like Darlington are doing- with the little they have- making a difference in more people's lives than those with so much more money and power. But hey that's not what it's about is it- how great that D knows that now.
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