Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easter and Independence Day
Our kids have been on break from school since last Friday. We have a long break because of Easter as well as April 27th being Sierra Leone's 50th Independence Day- BIG DEAL! It has been fun to have the kids home- nothing too exciting happened the first few days but I still enjoyed just getting some more time with the kids. We took a number of walks to the junction and to town. The little ones followed me EVERYWHERE. I cooked with the moms and aunties- really we just had a good time being together.
Friday came and going to Good Friday service is an important thing. After quickly cooking for the day we headed to church. We had thought that church was at 10am but got a call that it was early due to the Baptism Service at the river. So we hopped into the jeep and rushed to get there only to find out that we were right the first time. Oh well we were able to spend some time chatting with our other friends who arrived early. Service was good and afterwards I was able to have lunch with friends and spend sometime waiting for the mechanics to fix the jeep after a breakdown- since that took a good portion of my day I missed the football match my boys won but was able to get some time with the girls in the evening.
Saturday was cleaning day for all of Salone- the last Saturday of the month is a day where no one is allowed to go out before 10am. You are to use this time to clean up around your area- with the Big Day coming this week it was even more important to do this. The kids and I worked on our compound and then Fatty and I headed to the market. Our group of friends were coming over for game night so Fatty helped me make some fried plantains, sweet potatoes, and donuts with gravy- it was delicious and the game night was just what I needed. You know how I love games and it was great to just spend some fun time with friends.
Sunday morning brought an EARLY morning for all. Of course we do not have the Easter Bunny or colored eggs here- that part of Easter has not reached here. However our tradition here is to rise early and go around singing songs of how Christ has Risen- He is Alive. In some ways the time reminds me of Christmas morning. The kids are so anxious to get up and go out to sing. I heard them very close to 5am. I think the mom's may have had to hold some of them in the house until 5 and at that time the rushed out to share with those close to us just who Jesus is and what he did for us. Yes I admit- I smiled as I layed in bed, called out to them all and then went back to sleep for another hour. :)
Church services Sunday were long but filled with loud singing and dancing. If there is one thing that is done here in church it is dancing. It meant a lot to me to have so many come give me special Easter greetings as even though I enjoyed all here- I do miss being with my family at this time. The mom's here also took great care of me as I had three different meals for lunch. They all wanted me to have some of theirs and I was grateful- though I just couldn't eat it all- another blessing for the security and kids. Sunday evening I was able to spend some time with Auntie Margaret and her family. It is always nice to just sit in a house and spend some family time together.
NOW comes MONDAY- the big outing day. With it being Easter weekend and then having the big 50th Independence day on Wednesday the area UBC churches came together for an outing- a day spent at the river with loud music, food and drinks. All of our kids were able to attend thanks to a gift we received from Auntie N- who was visiting from the states. The mom's and older girls prepared some very FINE food- the kids all dressed in their JCC shirts and we headed out to the River. Our kids danced the whole day away. There were so many comments from others about how good our kids were and how much fun they were having and how they made the outing better for everyone. I loved it and so did everyone else. There was a dance competition and our kids represented us well. It was a long day though and I know the kids all collapsed into bed when we reached home. I was also able to stay a bit longer to spend time with friends. This was a great day for us. It is so good for our kids to get out and even better when we can be an example and inspiration to others. I love seeing the smiles and laughter on their faces.
So yes- we have had a wonderful Easter. Now I am headed off to Mattru and Rutile with some friends for a music launching. We will be in Mattru tonight and Rutile tomorrow night- so we will spend the Independence day there- they have a large sport competition and then our concert at night. Two of my girlfriends share their birthday with Salone's Independence and we will be there together. I look forward to how this time traveling together will continue to build these relationships. Often this is a time when we connect the most and I am blessed to have it come early in my time here.
So yeah- they are just calling that we are ready to go. This post was a bit of a rambling and I have been interupted by the kids a number of times and didn't really go back to see where I was- so I pray it makes sense. I realize that I have not posted in a while and last you all knew I was sick. I wanted to get something out to let you know I am better (still a little weak but coming up fine) and I also wanted to let you know the kids are doing well and enjoying their holiday.
Hopefully pictures will be coming soon.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It's a bit early but I got the official welcome to Africa...
I honestly am shocked by how quickly this happened as well as how severe it was this time. I decided not to take Malaria meds this time- preventative meds (yes after consulting with my doctor) since I will be here for a long period, since I know the symptoms, the cost of the drugs being so high, the effects the drugs themselves have on your body long term... it was not just a rash decision. However I did not think I would be feeling the effects of this decision so soon.
Thursday I had not had much appetite but I could have attributed that to many things. As I went to bed that night I prayed for a long time. I have not been sleeping well and I was just asking God to give me a good nights rest. I awoke Friday morning with a smile on my face- I didn't remember a thing from the night before. I read my bible a bit, got out of bed to get ready to go for a walk and as I stood up I was surprised at how weak I was. After getting ready I decided to skip the walk as I was out of breath just from that. When the time came I headed up to the office and it was all I could do to make it through- answer a few questions and get back to my room.
When I made it to my chair I realized I had a high fever and was very nauseous. I was extremely weak, my whole body ached... By 11am I had emptied everything that was in me and more and was barely able to move. I knew what it sounded like (malaria) but the previous times it came on slowly, feeling a few of the symptoms and then feeling better and then a few more. This to me happened in a matter of hours. Maybe I brought the flu with me and it took forever to come out- everyone was sick before I left.
By 4:30 all my pride and sense of "just fight through it" was gone. I called Auntie Margaret. She is JK's mom but also a very qualified nurse. She came and tested me for Malaria and when it came back positive she had the treatment right there with her. This is a new kind that MSF has been using for it's medical staff so they are not down as long. She even sat with me after I took it and rubbed my back trying to help me relax and make sure the medicine stayed down.
That night I fought between being extremely hot and freezing. When the fever was so strong again I got up, washed, took more meds, and prayed for some sleep and relief. I awoke the next morning colder than ever. I had on two long sleeve shirts, my thick fleece and two blankets. Finally my fever broke but then the dry heaves were back. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I really thought this day would have been the beginning of the end. I had to fight through another whole day of it. Auntie Margaret came back to visit along with JK- as did the kids and staff all day long on and off. My dear Mabel moved into the hut and just sat near me quietly most of the day- that is until she fell asleep and snored loudly:)
Praise God when I woke up this morning the fever and nauseousness were gone. Yes I am still weak but that is to be expected and I will make it through.
I have been sleeping under my net and using bug spray but not the first night in Freetown- maybe that was it or who knows- all I know is that little bug carrying this big bug made it's way through. But through this really difficult few days have come some great blessings.
Not only have the kids and staff done their best to take care of me and comfort me, as well as Auntie Margaret and plenty other friends but today "My group of good friends" came over right after church to pray with me. They came in and say awhile but then said even though they could see that I was getting better- they had come to pray and still planned to do so. We started with a few songs and in the middle they changed the songs to personally fit me- Honestly I was so touched in that moment. They continued to all pray out loud over not only my health but my job, my house, my relationships, my emotions... I was really moved and uplifted. I know that after such and exhausting ordeal my emotions were already raw but this would have impacted me even if they weren't. My relationships in our large group times have been great and easy to get back into, but honestly at times the one on one and the depth is hard to know where it stands- then something like this happens and I have faith and confidence that it is there and will grow.
So yeah- I am sure there is more to say but my brain is not at full capacity yet. There are more struggles to come, some I am aware of and some that I am not. I stand comforted in knowing that it is not I alone here- for in my weakness he is made strong. These attacks are drawing me closer to him- so though I am not liking the attacks themselves I am thankful for that aspect and continue to focus on God, who he is, and what he is asking of me.
If there is one thing I can ask of you????
Please keep praying.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Market Day
Monday, April 11, 2011
I would not be able to tell you the number of times Mabel would ask me when Boi (as she calls her) was going to come live with us. Mabel is a little mother to Patrick and feels the same towards Gifty even though she has spent little time with her. Before I left last fall I visited Gifty frequently (we had sporadically since I had come)- you see Gifty's knees are turning in and we have been trying to see what the doctors can do for her. So almost twice a week I would go pick her up and bring her to the government hospital where they put casts on and off- checked things- rehabbed... you name it and each time I would arrive to take Gifty she would scream and turn away from me. I would offer her a biscuit and sweet and she still would not come- she would just turn her head away from me. Once we were in the car she would stop crying and let me take her anywhere- even only crying silent tears when they would work with her- but she never really grew to like me. SO when I saw her at the compound I expected her to cry again- instead she came right up to me and said "Hi mommy Christie" I cannot believe how much she talks- and how much she is just like her brother Patrick. Even to the point that when I tel the kids to go to their own houses- she will look at them all and tell them to go home and then she will come inside the hut and shut the door. The first time I came and Patrick was her age he used to do the same thing.
Another family reunited is Sallay and Kaddie Charles. Sallay attended our school for the past couple years. Last year while JK and I were in America her father passed away. Her mother is still alive but has a very difficult time caring for the children- providing food and place to stay. Before I returned Social Welfare had brought Sallay to us so she could continue school. For some reason at that time they decided to have Kaddie stay with her mom. I guess that situation did not work out too well and around the same time Gifty came to us so did Kaddie. She is a bright, smiley, funny, trouble causing toddler. She and Sallay are also happy to be together again and Kaddie has now also started nursery school.
Just so you know that I really am here- a quick photo of me and one of my sweet girls. Mabel has been a bit attached lately- so much so that at times I have to ask Mommy Erica to bring her back home just like they have to come for some of little kids.
There is such great love here- on both sides.