Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So after a few days of pretty good electicity and internet I spent a few days with no charge on my computer so therefore I did not have much communication other than phone. I know that is the way it will go here so I had better start getting used to it know.

I am sitting in what is going to become my new home. I know that I have not made many posts yet but even in that I cannot remember if I have mentioned the hut yet- so I am going to assume that I haven't and go from there.

The staff and some people from the villages and communities we have helped got together and donated their bonuses, time, skills, materials, and other things- along with some other help- and built a hut for the guests who come to stay in. It will be where I live for the next year. It was something that really touched me and I am honored to be staying in this place. It is a round building with a thached roof- though it does have walls and a ceiling so it still feels like a normal house. There are two bedrooms a sitting room and a bathroom. I have to say it is MUCH cooler than my old room and it is nice to have a little more space as well as my own entrance for when I come home late from a football game or time with friends. I will have to write more about it later and try to post some photos.

I had plans to put on a lengthy post, but a friend came to visit and my battery ran down as I ran to help- I need to remember to always take the time to shut-down- even on hibernate it just uses too much. So for now I just wanted to touch base and let you all know I am doing well. The kids are great. I have even been able to spend time with a number of the kids who have been reunified with other members of their family. I miss having them here with me but to be able to see them and know they are doing well is good. The staff is doing a wonderful job and it has also been a lot of fun to reconnect with friends I haven't seen for the past 7 months.

I must close- thanks for your prayers- I have needed them as I go through the adjusting period. Though it has been a great time and I love being with everyone, I do admit to missing my family and friends and home at times. It probably doesn't help that for the first week I have been getting little sleep so I am sure some of my emotions can be attributed to that- but I appreciate your continued prayers.

1 comment:

deven merrell said...

miss and love you... thinking about you <3